Barefoot On The ROCK, Bible Cartoons and Commentary by Cartoonist Rob ART Morgan
JESUS: "Look! The fields are white unto harvest!"
"Harvest? What Harvest?" John 4:28-42
PETER: "What harvest? All I see are the heads of the Samaritan villagers bobbing up and down in the cornfields. Did one of you goons insult them when we were grocery shopping?
READ: John 4:28-42
"The Fields Are White Unto Harvest."

The woman at the well dropped everything and ran back to her village. Nobody respected her but she didn't care. She knew she had met the Savior of the World. She may not have convinced anyone but she planted a curiosity that compelled them to come see for themselves.

Jesus was always using word pictures to teach the Rockheads. In this passage, some things are implied that would add to the vivid imagery. He had explained why doing the will of the Father was more satisfying than eating food. Picture yourself standing at Jacob's well and as you look around you, there are cornfields as far as the eye can see. One of the Rockheads says, "Boy, you should see these fields in about four months at harvest time." Now picture the people of Sychar picking their way through the fields on their way to see Jesus. You can see only their heads bobbing up and down among the corn stalks.

Then you hear Jesus say, "Do you not say, 'There are still four months and then comes the harvest'? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!" (vs 35) Jesus not only fed on His Father's will, but He was ready to work in His Father's fields to harvest souls. And there was quite a harvest that day from the small seed sown by the Samaritan woman: "And many of the Samaritans of that city believed in Him because of the word of the woman who testified, 'He told me all that I ever did.' And many more believed because of His own word." (vs 39, 41)

The disciples had food on the mind. They had just come back from a food finding mission. The cornfields only made them think of more food. Jesus was thinking about a soul harvest. He was expecting one and was ready when it came.

1. Does it surprise you that the Samaritans believed so quickly from just a few words from a woman that nobody liked or respected? She had never taken a course on how to share her faith but we can learn from her. She just told them what Jesus did for her, invited them to come see Him, and then asked them a loaded question ("Could this be the Christ?" vs 29).

2. What are you thinking about right now? Are you wondering how you can share your faith and harvest souls? Or are you thinking about what you are going to have for your next meal?

3. Are you ever bothered by the fact that you aren't really bothered by the fact that many of your family and friends are lost without a Savior? What would Jesus suggest you do to change that?

4. When you see someone coming toward you, do you see trouble? Or do you see opportunity?

"Heavenly Father, may Thy kingdom come and Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Teach me the pleasures and satisfaction of doing Your will. Give me a burden for lost souls. Make me willing and able to share in the harvest of souls. May I rejoice with You as I see each sinner repent and receive your great salvation."
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 "Harvest? What Harvest?" John 4:28-42  
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