Barefoot On The ROCK, Bible Cartoons and Commentary by Cartoonist Rob ART MORGAN
Jesus and the Rockheads
Who is Rob ART Morgan?
Robert and Betty Morgan I was born on the Island of Maui in the Hawaiian Islands, the "uttermost part of the earth" (as measured from Jerusalem).

ART is my middle name, really. I call myself "rob-ART" instead of "Rob" or "Robert" to remind myself that the LORD called me to express my faith through cartooning and humor. My goal is to spend some time each day developing and sharing those gifts.

One way to share this gift is through this Barefoot On The Rock website which features samples of my cartoons. It features a special collection of cartoons along with inspirational thoughts called "Barefoot With The ROCK" that you can view under
CARTOONS. It's about the "very human beings" that spent three years following Jesus of Nazareth. They were thick headed and lacking in faith, but they were transformed into people who shook the world. These cartoons and writings were first done for our children to inspire them to read their Bible each day. Now I'm sharing them with you and yours.

My other website developed out of my struggle to understand how to optimize my Macintosh computer for cartooning. As I experimented with various speed enhancing upgrades, I published my findings on a site I named BareFeats. There I shared the "Bare Facts on Mac Speed Feats." It has grown in popularity and stimulated me to continue experimenting with various speedy upgrades. Being a car racing enthusiast, "hot rodding" a personal computer is right up my alley.

My wife and soul mate designed the BarefootOnTheROCK site. She has an amazing site of her own that tells how she prepares us gourmet vegan cuisine:
ChezBettay, the Vegan Gourmet.

(It is possible for you to make donations to this ministry -- "love gifts" that will be used to keep Rob-ART cartooning. If this ministry has blessed you, think about
Clicking Here To Make A DONATION.)
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